Breakout Sessions
12:00pm (PST)
Round Table Breakouts
Attendees will be put into one of the breakout sessions below for an hour of thought-provoking discussion to provide insights to Kochava for future product development.

Identify and Target Customers with Identity Solutions
The challenges to effectively identifying and targeting consumers in digital advertising continue to mount. From the changing user privacy landscape, to third-party cookie limitations, and the potential for mobile ad ID deprecation, how are you preparing to overcome these obstacles and how can Kochava help?

Trevor Hamilton
VP, Sales, Kochava

Grant Simmons
VP of Client Analytics, Kochava

Mark Kellogg
Director of Technical Partnerships, Kochava

Data Enrichment to Enhance your Customer File
To unlock the full 360-degree perspective on your customers, you need more than just your first-party data. What are the biggest hurdles you face in effectively onboarding and leveraging third party data?

Brian Cox
GM Mazzaroth, Kochava

Levi Schoonover
Client Partnerships Team Lead, Kochava

Custom Measurement and Fraud Solutions
Measuring campaign performance is not a one-size-fits-all approach. The KPIs that you look to for determining success have likely changed across the last few years. To what extent do Kochava features, such as multi-touch influencer reporting, predictive churn modeling, and LTV tracking, play a role in your media mix optimization?

Matt Gillis
VP, Product Operations, Kochava

Tyler Levasseur
Client Insights Analyst, Kochava

The New Frontier Subscription Management & Churn Mitigation
Subscriptions as a monetization model are booming, but the status quo in measuring subscriptions leaves brands in the dark on much-needed data and subscriber-level visibility. Learn how Kochava for Subscription Media is challenging the status quo and how you can be a part of it.

Kevin King
Client Analytics Lead, Kochava